One of the things that had been bugging me this week is the Mabby Issue.
It all began when I had to force all Victor Hille to practice for the Tribute to Parents for the next day (I wrote a kind-of essay all about it on my deviantart journal). Earlier that morning, I asked Mabby to borrow a cassette from the library since we are going to use a cd (dance with my father by luther vandross and you'll be in my heart by usher). Now, to borrow from the library, you have to leave your ID behind in exchange for the thing you wish to borrow.
So, we used the cassette for our emergency practice. Victor Hille were being their usual selves --- noisy, uncooperative and impatient. It's only typical that the practice would end at 6 pm. By that time, the library was already closed. When everybody else left after the practice, I noticed Mabby crying (for her ID). She was afraid to get VR from Sanchez (a.k.a. kabayo of LSU-IS). But, if it was me, I would not mind leaving my ID at the lib. I knew nothing bad would happen to you. So, seeing Mabby so distressed, I offered my ID. She walked out on me.
The next day, while I was distributing the literary folio to the Victor Hill people, I asked if she was okay. She did not utter a single word to me.
I asked Grelou and Ferry. It seems they did not want to talk about it. But, Ferry did say that "Daghan kaayo nasuko nimo kahapon, Sett. (A lot of people were angry with you yesterday.)" When I think about it, I was losing my wits with the way the ViChes were during the practice and when I lose my wits, I tend to lose my manners (doesn't everybody?).
Anyway, I can't get near to my friends anymore. It seemed like Mabby had them on her fingertips. I was usually left alone. Sigh.
It was yesterday that I asked forgiveness from Mabby. From what I see, all we had was a misunderstanding. I mean, how the hell should I know that she was THAT sensitive. Her fault was that she did not understand how important that practice was and that I can't cut the practice short.
So, I did tell her. I asked her what she would have done if she was the mayor of Hille and the tribute was tomorrow. I was baffled by her answer. "Biyaan nako sila. Nganong dili maminaw. (I'll leave them be. It's their fault if they won't listen to me.)"
Sigh. Honestly, this is the most stupid friend fight I've ever had and the dumbest thing I've ever had to say sorry for. And the worst part is, I realized Mabby is a very...unfortunate girl.
God, thanks for giving me a conscience to let me think of others before me.
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