This red line is annoying.
Anyway, this is my Book of People---a collection of personality sketches of people I know, I once passed by on the street, sat with on a bus or even seen on a magazine. I might even add an imaginary character or two.
Yep, this red line is annoying.
This book is for future reference. I might cook up some awesome plot someday and I'll need characters to fill up the roles. But really, I made this book just so I won't get bored during days when I have absolutely nothing to do [or when procrastinating].
The inspiration began in the least likely of, the official Potter role-laying game of the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling. The whole game was filled with background stories and information of the wizarding world, including the history of characters in the books.
I stumbled upon Prof. McGonagall's past and it seemed enlightening to know where my favorite character came from and how she became who she was in the novels.
J. K. Rowling explained how she had tons of background info concerning everything that is Harry Potter. Although a whole chunk of them just couldn't fit in the pages of her books, they still proved to be useful, helping the author visualize the world she was creating and describe it in good detail.
Then, right after Pottermore, I attended my BA 11 class and suddenly became fascinated by my business teacher. His hair was always parted ever so neatly at the middle and maintained undisturbed [and stayed shiny, too] 24 hours a day despite the summer heat. He also has a tendency to talk too fast and...well, he shall be my first entry so more of him later...
The hour spent with my teacher---observing his quirks and traits---made my hands itch. I wanted to eternalize who he was. I wanted people to care what I saw in him and I wanted to use his persona someday.
So, I left my Econ class [the class after BA], bought the cheapest but still cool-looking notebook I could find [am broke] and found an empty classroom next to The Crusader Publication office. Thus, the Book of People is born.
Not every thing you read here is fact.
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