So, kid. I'm a tell you how I met the love of my life.


Cause I want to, that's why. 

But I want to play dolls.

I was goin' on 20 back then...

You're just going to ignore me, aren't you?

...and she was just 15...


We met at her cousin's place. Joey, I think his name was. We were classmates back in college and although he ain't the brightest of us USC Engineerin' folks, he was by far the richest. He kept stickin' to me like gum on a tennis shoe. Hehehe. You see, I was one of them smart ones...aced that board exam without attendin' them reviewer classes those rich folk could afford. And well, slow Joey needed someone slick like your grandfather to get through college, don't he? And I needed some extra cash...

Your grandfather didn't exactly grow up to be stinkin' rich. So don't you ever go actin' like you can have all you want cause you can't.

So...at Joey's place. We were to start designin' houses for different number of people I think. I agreed to make his part in exchange for a couple of bucks which was a lot back then, let me tell you. We went inside this huge house and there she was....sittin' quiet-like, readin' near the window.

She was the prettiest darn thing I've ever seen.

I couldn't concentrate, y'know? Like the whole time, all that I could think of, all I wanted to see was her sweet face lookin' down on that book. How her lips suddenly curled after readin' somethin' funny I guess. And when she said hello...felt like an angel called my name.

I couldn't take it. After that day at Joey's, I had to see her again. I prayed to God I'd see her again.

Well did you?

I did.

It was fiesta and the whole city was celebratin' Viva Sto. Nino. Joey had wanted to spend the whole night with his girl but he had to chaperon his little cousin who wanted so badly to go to the pierya

That was my chance.

I told him, "I'll watch her for you. Take her to them rides. And you go have some sweet time with your girl." Idiot Joey, 'course, took the bait. Anythin' for a night of hot lovin, he said.

And I had my own sweet time that night. 

She was gentle and sweet. I told her about the fields and the dung I grew up in and she just smiled. She always wanted to ride them horses...even with all that dung lyin' around. And she told me about her story, that her parents wanted her to be perfect...when she already is...and how she would wait for her parents every night for dinner and they'd never make it cause of work.

We rode everything. That cash I got from Joey really paid off. Them swirlin' cups and roller coasters. I even rode on 'em horses that go round! And I was almost 20!

I held her hand and she'd let me. I put my arm around her...she didn't complain. By the time we went sittin' on top of that ferris wheel...I managed to kiss her.

T'was the first time for both of us.

Ever since then, we started goin' out. Secretly, 'course. Didn't want her family to find out. My Mama started wonderin' why I wasn't comin' home in sembreaks no more. Every day, I'd visit her in her high school right after class. We'd study together. Laugh together. Breathe together. We'd talk in the playground, in the park. Our favorite place was that tree near the college. Carol, we called it...She always wanted a daughter named Carol.

That's Mama's name.

Yes...Yes, it is.

I promised her at that Carol tree that I'll take her away and love her cause I did. And she promised to love me cause she did. And we both were head over heels in love.

I guess we weren't very good at hidin' our relationship at all. Friends kept seein' us together and t'was only a matter of time before Joey found out and rattled to my girl's parents. 

I got a call from her mother one day. By then, I was fresh out of college, ready to take that board exam and my girl had a year of high school left.

She told me her daughter was still too young for everythin' we were doin' and that she needed to finish schoolin' first. Said I wasn't right for her...bein' son of a farmer and all. She said if I really cared about her daughter and her future, I'd stay away.

And I did.

Never saw her. Never even said g'bye. Thought it'd be easier. But boy, did it hurt like hell...




Well what?

When did you see her again?

Oh, I didn't. I went on to become an engineer. Aced that darn board exam, worked in Cagayan. Never once looked back. I heard she became a nun. 

But what about grandma?

Her? I met her years later here in Cagayan. I was datin' a lot more than I could handle at the time. Y'know your grandfather is quite the looker. Coupled with a fat salary, your old man was the lady's man.

I was 29 then and figured it was time to settle down. Among all them women I had at the time, your grandma's the only one who was willin' to marry me at me hometown in Iligan. What is it with women who want to marry in a church? Thought she was the best option back then...she ain't picky at all.

That's it? You married grandma cause she was the only one who'd marry you in your place????

Yep. That's about it.

But---B--but....you loved that high school girl! Why didn't you go out and marry her? Isn't that what true love's supposed to be?

Pfsh. Christine, you're ten years old. I think it's time you learned that life ain't like you see in those darn pansy movies. True love ain't real, kid.

Aren't you supposed to tell me otherwise?

I'm family, honey. It's my job to shatter your dreams.
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